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10 Common Mistakes in Open Graph Implementation and How to Fix Them

Discover the top ten common mistakes made during Open Graph implementation, and find easy-to-follow solutions to help optimize your website’s social previews on

In today’s digital world, implementing Open Graph (OG) tags correctly is crucial for driving engagement and enhancing the visibility of your website on social platforms. Unfortunately, many website owners make mistakes when incorporating these tags. On, we're here to help you identify and rectify these issues. In this blog post, we'll discuss the ten most common mistakes in Open Graph implementation and provide solutions to correct them.

1. Ignoring Open Graph tags altogether

One of the biggest mistakes is not implementing Open Graph tags at all. These tags significantly influence how your content appears on social media platforms. Without them, you're leaving the display of your content to chance.

Solution: Make Open Graph tags a part of your SEO strategy. They allow you to control how your page is presented on social platforms, enhancing user engagement.

2. Incomplete Open Graph tags

Having incomplete Open Graph tags can lead to distorted images, unoptimized titles, and missing descriptions on social previews.

Solution: Ensure all four main OG tags (og:title, og:type, og:image, and og:url) are correctly filled out on each page.

3. Incorrectly Sized Open Graph Images

Open Graph images that don’t meet the recommended size guidelines can be cropped awkwardly or appear blurry.

Solution: Use an image that adheres to the optimal Open Graph image size. As of my knowledge cutoff in 2021, the recommended size is 1200 x 630 pixels.

4. Using the Same Tags for All Pages

Using the same Open Graph tags for every page of your website leads to duplicate content issues.

Solution: Customize the OG tags for each page to accurately represent the content it contains.

5. No Alt Text for Open Graph Images

Ignoring the alt text for OG images can impact the accessibility and SEO of your website.

Solution: Always include relevant alt text for your Open Graph images. This not only improves accessibility but can also help in boosting SEO.

6. Wrong 'og:type' Selection

Using an incorrect 'og:type' can lead to a mismatch between the type and the actual content of the page.

Solution: Ensure the 'og:type' accurately describes the content of the page. For example, use 'article' for blog posts, 'product' for items on sale, and so on.

7. Failing to Update Open Graph Tags

If you update a page’s content but not its corresponding OG tags, it can result in outdated previews when shared on social media.

Solution: Regularly review and update your OG tags when modifying the content on your site.

8. Ignoring the 'og:locale' Tag

Not using the 'og:locale' tag may result in your content being shared in the wrong language or format on social media platforms.

Solution: Make use of the 'og:locale' tag, particularly if your website targets users in different geographical locations or languages.

9. Neglecting the 'og:site_name' Tag

Overlooking the 'og:site_name' tag can result in the absence of your brand name in social media previews.

Solution: Always include the 'og:site_name' tag to boost brand recognition and credibility.

10. Not Testing Open Graph Tags

The final common mistake is not testing OG tags after implementation, leading to unforeseen errors.

Solution: Use a tool like to preview how your page will look on different platforms. Make adjustments as necessary to ensure your content is displayed attractively and accurately.

In conclusion, the accurate implementation of Open Graph tags is an essential component of a strong social media strategy. Avoiding these common mistakes will help to optimize your website's social media previews, driving more traffic and engagement to your site. Try our Open Graph Preview tool on to ensure your website is looking its best across all platforms.

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